Car Tips: How To Take Care White Color Car

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

How To Take Care White Color Car

How To Take Care White Color Car. White depicts the colors of this elegant and clean, but if not treated with good will of course quickly could change color. It used to be many who are afraid to buy anything with the color white because of the difficulty to care for him. Unlike in the days of now this white color car paint is being favored by the people of Indonesia, but there are still many who do not know how to keep it look shining.
Take care of him is indeed hard-hard-easy, but if you already know the right way will not create a problem so you guys are fans of white. Indeed there must be a clean habit in ourselves first, not to be lazy to maintain the cleanliness of your car. Some of the ways that you need to do in the car, make sure You take care of him for not exposed to sunlight directly, thus the parking position must be taken into account as well. Do wax on your car at least 3 months. Also polishing needs to be done at least once a year.

Many ways to take care of her, of it washing we recommend that you do the cleaning during the first car can still dry with a feather duster to remove any dust is attached to. Try using water that pam has experienced the distillation, flush the car from the top until the dirt falls to the bottom. Shampoos used special shampoo is PH neutral or 7.5. Use the wash mitt for rubbing shampoo so that it is not the case a beret on paint, because with foam usually dust still left on the foam and may cause a beret on Your favorite car paint. Soon after that, rinse and pat dry the white, don't wait much longer. We recommend that you use the first step so that the water can be absorbed by kanebo, then use wipe micro-fiber that is not damp. Make sure your car is completely dry especially the informer who usually hard dried, and can be pulled out of the water when the machine is turned on. This will cause the former paint like the flow of water. For it's part wet must be really dry. It doesn't hurt once in a while you wash your car at the Car Wash, to clean the bottom of the car.

If You buy a new car, aka still new. You can use Paint Protection, it is a little expensive but for the sake of keeping your color white the shining not a problem right? Many of the benefits that you can get by using Paint Protection. In Indonesia itself there have been many types of Paint Protection, just choose to suit your taste.

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